This last week, I met some girls on Kansai campus while they were practicing hip-hop moves for their dance class. The crazy thing was that they were practicing outside! Where everyone can see them.
They are in a dance team, though because of my poor Nihon-go abilities I wasn't able to figure out which. The girl in grey sweat pants is Mai, and the girl in black sweat pants is Akane. I tried to dance with them for a bit, I asked if they could teach me some moves... but I suck. I am too accustomed to dancing to house and jungle to pick up hip-hop moves very quickly. These girls were really good. 

My attempt at learning one simple dance move was quite funny. I am accustomed to dancing in poorly lit clubs, and being a little drunk. Throughout Hirakata I have found people dancing all over the place. There are using glass as a mirror, and the weather is cool, so you won't sweat that much.

Akane had a really awesome speaker on her Ipod! It looks like a lego piece. I bought one this last weekend.

My attempt at learning one simple dance move was quite funny. I am accustomed to dancing in poorly lit clubs, and being a little drunk. Throughout Hirakata I have found people dancing all over the place. There are using glass as a mirror, and the weather is cool, so you won't sweat that much.
I think they are members of a dance club or circle. You can see young people in most urban centers of Japan dancing/practicing in front of windows. You were probably disturbing their rehearsal but it was nice that they let you dance with them. Good anthropological rapport building... What can we learn about Japanese people from your case study here?