But these dolls are sold almost exclusively in Japan. Now that I am here, I have to gather a few for her. I made a trip to Osaka on Sunday and went to two stores, Girlest Girl in Fukushima「福島」 and the Kiddy Land in Hankyuu Sanbankan「阪急三番館」. At Girlest Girl, I met Tomi, a Japanese girl that works at the store.

They have the works here. Clothes, boots, accessories and what not. The dolls are originally from the 70's, but didn't sell very successfully. Later, in the early 90's, a woman named Junie Moon collected a bunch and made a photo book about them. That officially reignited the craze, and now there are new models being released. Certain ones are very limited, with only one thousand of some editions being made for sale.
I really liked this store. It is very small and comfortable. The Kiddy Land I didn't bother taking pictures at because of its large "chain-y" nature. I worked at locally owned deli back in the states, so I am big sucker for indepent vendor of any sort.
Interesting subject for this week's theme of popular culture. You provide a nice background about the dolls themselves, but I would like to hear more about the people who collect them.